We're now 5 years in to the Lagina brothers hunt for treasure on Oak Island. Technically you could say they've achieved this, based on recent weeks, or by using your own definition of what treasure is. Regarding the mystery of the island though, they've a long way to go to get definitive answers. However, Smith's Cove might well be the next place that actually turns up results, as the Lagina brothers see the start of their cofferdam arriving in the form of a massive crane on a big pad by the cove. A hydraulic hammer will bash 120 steel sheets into the ground around the cove, then the area will be drained and a new beach for Dan Blankenship will be created. Ok, not the last bit but it's still 3 weeks until the dam will be ready.
Part of the gang are off on a jolly to Calgary to the HQ of Eagle Canada, who are the guys that blew up the Money Pit last week using seismic charges. Have they found anything? Is the world round? Of course they have something to show. If they are paid that much money, they will find something. Interestingly enough, it's revealed now that they also blew up another area nearby to the Money Pit which is known as the Mega Bin (another name for the island for some!) which is an area where previous excavations by Dan Blankenship found evidence of tunnels. The results are in for the Mega Bin. It shows an anomaly at about 50ft deep in the upper corner of the area. Apparently this red blob, which is amongst lots of blue blobs, is a void of some sort. The Money Pit results show a void too, at 160ft, which is smack bang near where they drilled two of their holes last season ... and missed. This, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should always do your research and gain a deeper knowledge of where to drill, rather than just closing one eye and taking a chance! They believe this void might be the Chapell Vault which they were looking for last year when they found those human bones and pottery. Yet another anomaly is also found near the Money Pit which they think shows a flood tunnel. I think I might need a 3 day course to understand those charts though ...
Back at the island, Jack, Gary and Mike West (Geophysics wizard) are at Captain Anderson's lot, number 26, on the beach. Mike has one of those EM61s again on a buggy that he drags around beeping all the time. This scanner is more powerful than Gary's. You'd think there might be a "mine's bigger than yours" fight but Gary is cool with Mike's gadget that can go to a depth of 20ft. First up, they find a 1700's metal spike. Hmm. Then they find a metal hook. Naturally Gary has already put 1+1 together and believes this shows Captain Anderson using the area as a port.
Back in War Room and the gang gather to show off the seismic maps. They pick locations for the next core holes and the priority. Naturally they are going for the obvious first.
The Next Day the brothers observe Smith's Cove's cofferdam construction which is very impressive I must say. A tad later drilling equipment arrives in the form of sonic drills that literally blast everything out of their way when drilling. So, not destroying it by crushing it but obliterating evidence. Nice. Anyhow, geologist Terry Matheson, who helped them with the previous holes which missed the target, helps them choose the next hole sites. First hole is called DE6 and every 10ft they bring back samples. At 80ft deep they bring up wood which they believe is from a collapsed tunnel. Either that, or they've a big beaver problem.
Back at Lot 26, the next item to be found is mighty amazing for it looks like a long metal item with a sharp tip: i.e from a crossbow! Gary is very excited and could do with a minute to compose himself as he thinks it's very old, like Templar old, which is 12th/13th century and possibly used to pierce chainmail. Is it what it looks like though?
Lots of blobs in the Mega Bin. |
Lots of wood in DE6. |
An impressive sharp tip from a crossbow? |
Rating 8/10 - A highly promising episode, with the cofferdam under construction, discovers on Lot 26 and targets in the Money Pit area.