Thursday 13 December 2018

Star Wars Resistance: Episode 9 - "The Platform Classic"

Synopsis: It's time for a race, 'The Platform Classic', and there's big prize money, which lures in Yeager's brother, reuniting them once again for a race.

My thoughts: There's absolutely no lead-on from the previous episode this week, so no First Order or Synara. Instead we have what feels totally like a filler in many ways, but it does flesh out a lot of Yeager's backstory: from his time racing against his brother, the fact he has flipping brother, and how they fell out big time. If I get it right, his brother cheated in a race and the result caused a crash or explosion that wiped out Yeager's family? It at least killed someone. They spend the whole race discussing how his brother had screwed up and wanted to apologize, to which Yeager is resolute in his defence that he has no interest in forgiving him and knows his brother is just in it for the money. With Yeager about to win the race, at the last minute he concedes the race to his brother, who he says "needs it more". Given his brother had added very little solid defence to his actions in the race than before the race, this is a very unexpected turn of events. I'd thought Yeager would win and give some of the money to his brother. No, it's a shock that it goes the way it does. Even more so when at the end they shake hands and hug! It's explained that this doesn't make it "right" between them but it's a start. Well, I know this is a cartoon, but I find it really hard getting my head around how he so easily forgives, with little genuine emotion from his brother for what is one heck of a serious mistake for anyone to get their heads around. I totally realise it's possible to forgive someone over very heinous crimes but, given this is the first time they've met since, it does seem all rather too quick. At the very least it does add a lot more to Yeager's character this episode.

On the plus side, Yeager's brother is rather pleasant and charismatic. Not to the degree of the really cocky racer a few episodes back though. His co-pilot has little to do aside from a humorous moment or two with Neeku, as does his rather dark evil looking droid. It's amazing to see the stunningly dressed Guavian Death Gang this episode, whom Yeager's brother has a debt to and hold his co-pilot as ransom. They are menacing but, more than anything, super cool to look at. Super 'The Force Awakens' flashbacks seeing them!

I'm left also unsure what Captain Doza gains from this episode? He instigated Yeager's brother coming back and their brotherly rivalry to help bring money to the platform. I guess the betting made money? There was no proof that money came from anywhere else because of his plan.

Oh Brother ...

Death Squad! Awesome!

Yeager forgives ... WTF?

Rating: 6/10 - Brotherly rivalry can be thrilling but it falls a little flat and odd here for me, however, the Death Squad and the race itself really make up for the brotherly storyline.

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