Saturday 29 January 2022

Book Review: The High Republic "The Fallen Star"

A little background

The Fallen Star is the 3rd main book in The High Republic series after the opener The Light of the Jedi and The Rising Storm. There are of course other books and comics in the series, but Fallen Star is like the feature films, in that it’s part of the main storyline, where all the important stuff happens (well, sort of!). For sub-plot though, I really recommend all the other books and comics to help you get up to speed. As with all things book wise, I’m consuming my Star Wars via Audible. This book is by Claudia Gray and narrated by the awesomely talented Marc Thompson who does all the various voices, adding emotion and drama, along with some good background sound effects. The total length of the audible book is 13 hours and 31 minutes, although that’s including the intro and credits. Although technically there are 35 chapters (of about 20 minutes each), there is also a prologue and epilogue.

The Story

As I was listening to the story, I tweeted out summaries of each chapter. This way I felt I could capture the most important plot points in small concise chunks. Some chapters were combined because mostly the same thing was happening, and some chapters had a couple tweets to capture the slightly busier moments.

So, what the heck happened? Well, the main characters that get the bulk of the time in this book were Jedi’s Elzar Mann, Stellen Gios, Bell/Burry, The Crew of the Vessell and the antagonist’s Nan/Chancy. Marchion Ro is of course lurking, but the story here focuses almost exclusively on Starlight Beacon and everyone who is on it during the dramatic events that entail. Think of this book as Star Wars Meets ‘The Possidon Adventure’ or ‘The Titanic’, and you’ll understand quickly what you’re likely to get as Starlight Beacon’s light is well and truly turned off.

The official summary for the book is:

Time and again, the vicious raiders known as the Nihil have sought to bring the golden age of the High Republic to a fiery end. Time and again, the High Republic has emerged battered and weary, but victorious thank to its Jedi protectors - and there is no monument to their cause grander than the Starlight Beacon.

Hanging like a jewel in the Outer Rim, the Beacon embodies the High Republic at the apex of its aspirations: a hub of culture and knowledge, a bright torch against the darkness of the unknown, and an extended hand of welcome to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. As survivors and refugees flee the Nihil's attacks, the Beacon and its crew stand ready to shelter and heal.

The grateful Knights and Padawans of the Jedi Order stationed there finally have a chance to recover - from the pain of their injuries and the grief of their losses. But the storm they thought had passed still rages; they are simply caught in its eye. Marchion Ro, the true mastermind of the Nihil, is preparing his most daring attack yet - one designed to snuff out the light of the Jedi.

The crawl to the book pretty much goes through that summary and introduces another fact that Avir Kriss is still pursing Lorna Dee. There are a few interesting wordings at the end when it refers to 'an old enemy' being unleashed on the Jedi by Marchion Ro. Sith? Or is this just referring to the leveller in some way? This isn’t much clearer by the end of the book really. However, let’s get a snapshot now of each chapter.

Chapter 1 - We get to see several different Jedi parties chasing down Nihil across the outer rim and having success. These Nihil seem to be mostly Lorna Dee ships though. Meanwhile, someone is running an errand for Marchion Ro on his ship, the Gaze Electric.

Chapter 2 - Jedi, with Starlight Beacon towed into orbit, are helping a planet recovering from the Nihil. Nihil also begin an attack on multiple worlds elsewhere designed to get the Jedi's attention. Stellan is gifted a droid, nicknamed “45” (who is an absolute blast thanks to Marc’s voice). And Nan, former Nihil, who readers will know if they have read the other secondary novels, arrives on Starlight as a prisoner.

Chapter 3 - Elzar Mann is away on another planet meditating in water. Orla Jareni is his guide. They finish their away time on this distant planet, meet up with the crew of The Vessell (there’s a one of many brilliant Geode moment here). Marchion Ro dispatches a handful of loyal nihil to perform a secret mission.

Chapter 4 - Bell and "Burry" talk about Loden as Nihil spies start secretly wrecking starlight comms (they easily arrived on Starlight in a ship claiming to have Rathtars as cargo which no one bothered or wanted to check – make note here, as one of numerous Jedi failings), Marchion Ro is ready for a new crew to arrive, and The Crew of The Vessell run into Nihil on way to Starlight.

Chapter 5 - Quiet chapter really. The Vessell tangles with the Nihil briefly by disrupting comms for a few minutes which felt pointless. On Starlight, well, not a lot happening. A few dealings with ingoing’s and outgoing.

Chapter 6 - On Starlight, Bell and Burry spar together but sense something is amiss. In a hanger bay, plenty of wounded are arriving from the various Nihil attacks on other planets, to which Indeera (Bell’s Jedi Master) also senses something is wrong but cannot ascertain what. Elzar Mann questions the prisoners ... Sort of. More Jedi begin to feel something on the edge of their consciousness that wasn't right, or missing, but do nothing about it. Nihil spies continue to sabotage Comms.

Chapter 7 - On Starlight, there's more Jedi sensing distant oddities but doing nothing. A strong hint that the Drengir are coming back comes via Stellan's dream, who dismisses it. Sigh. Briefly we see Avir pursuing Lorna Dee

Chapter 8 - Still on Starlight, The Vessell lands in the hanger bay. Some greetings aside, Leox notices a "rival" of sorts, which concerns him. Orla and Reginald (another Jedi) briefly investigate the uncertainly they are feeling but are called away.

Chapter 9 - Still on Starlight, bit of a quiet chapter. Elzar Mann meets up with Stellan Gios who is quite troubled by his dream which seems to have started to cripple him. Leox spars verbally with his rival. The Nihil spies hear about the Nihil prisoners.

Chapter 10 A remote Jedi temple is obliterated by the Nihil. Starlight Jedi begin tentative investigation into strange feelings. Leox's rival snoops about The Vessel. Marchion Ro's new crew arrive in the form of illegal Enforcer droids.

Chapter 11 Orla, Reginald, and Indeera break rules to investigate force oddities in Starlight. They head down to lower decks, to cargo hold where they split up. Reginald calls out in pain, Indeera also struggles against an invisible unknown foe, Orla later finds a dead Reginald.

Chapter 12 and 13. Geode’s flirting is lighter side of matters as Elzar Mann heads to check out poor Reginald and Indeera. The Nihil spies break out Chancey (who was captured at same time) and Nan and put them to work.

Chapter 13 Ro gets all loved up on Gaze Electric, Stellan Gios is still feeling hopelessly like a failure whilst Bell and Burry look over an unconscious Indeera.

Chapter 14 - This is when the shit starts to hit the fan! Not long after Avir Kriss returns to Starlight in the Jedi Cruiser. Explosives are laid by the Nihil spies on Starlight which explode by the reactor core. Everyone is startled. At this point Starlight is split into half and we never get to find out much about the top section where Avir Kriss is. The story concentrates on the lower section.

Chapter 15 Jedi in multiple locations all realising that Comms are down and they've no idea what's going on. The Leveller is loose too. I thought the Drengir were lurking too but turns out not. It’s all a little confusing here but there seems to be multiple creatures behaving like the leveller did at the end of The Rising Storm on Loden. Then the news comes that both sections of Starlight are stuck in gravitational pull.

Chapter 16 Chancey and Nan leave Nihil trio and try to flee station. All over station everyone starting to realise that docking bay doors, escape pods and Comms are down. Stellan Gios discovers that station is caught in gravity pull.

Chapter 17 Bell and Burry use a droid to send a Comms to nearby medical ship requesting assistance and learn of station’s dire situation. Leox and crew alert Stellan Gios that Comms aren't blocked as they thought, and he calls for help. Orla confronts the leveller.

Chapter 18 Bell and Burry use maintenance shafts to get up a level or two and meet Elzar Mann near the hub. Chaotic scenes in the hanger bay as panic starts but Geode stands tall.

Chapter 19-21 Chancey and Nan are trying to save their own skins. Later they bump into Affie (of The Vessel) who are all looking for escape pods. There's a minor confrontation before Nan and Chancey flee.

Chapter 19-21 Orla is discovered by Bell and Burry as a dead husk. Elzar Mann brings back power cells to the docking bay. Stellan Gios confronts the Leveller.

Chapter 19-21 Starlight is totally split into two by this point by another explosion. Both sections in gravitational pull although one section Stellan Gios believes might be able to avoid crashing.

Chapter 22. Stellan Gios evades the Leveller and makes it back to Elzar Mann but in a much-reduced mental and physical state. More preparations on planet below for crash of starlight, and Bell and Burry discover the husk of Burry’s master.

Chapter 23 Elzar Mann is now in charge. Bell and Burry organise a crew in bay to seal off lower deck with the Leveller in. Senator Starros (Ro’s lover and spy in the Republic) is uneasy with droids on Gaze Electric. A mutiny is growing in docking bay as top half of starlight breaks up.

Chapter 24 Elzar Mann works on getting Stellan Gios better. Avir makes contact through the force. Bell, Burry and Leox and crew continue to separate off sections of the lower levels.

Chapter 25 Elzar Mann ponders how to get through the radiation sections of Starlight. Meanwhile, Bell and Burry find themselves battling a bunch of Rathtars. Yes, one of the Nihil spies ships actually did have them onboard.

Chapter 25 & 26 Bell uses explosives to separate medical tower from starlight. Nan & Chancey give up on escape pods and lurk in cargo bay. Elzar Mann & Burry use obscure system to create path for ships through starlight.

Chapters 28 and 29 - A mutiny in the main docking bay is averted bravely by the star of the book, Geode. Elzar Mann and Burry battle Rathtars as Elzar Mann gets the cargo bay door open to allow smaller ships to escape.

Chapters 30 - Chancey and Nan head to try to fix the positional thrusters but meet the Nihil gang. Affie devises plan to use leftover power cores to power the escape pods.

Chapter 31 - Chancey and Nan battle the Nihil trio and defeat them. Elzar Mann is heading in their direction too. Bell tries to enter starlight cargo bay but ends up staying outside and giving aide.

Chapter 32 Elzar Mann has a close encounter with the leveller on route to bottom of station. Bell helps escape pods launch. Lenox has a plan to open docking bay doors.

Chapter 33 An enraged Elzar Mann takes out Chancey before Nan escapes. By this time, it's too late to use the thrusters. Ooops. Leox blows open bay door mechanism allowing ships to escape but gets caught in gust of wind ...

Chapter 34 Elzar Mann confesses to Stellan Gios. Nan escapes Starlight. Leox is alive after using a parachute to land on planet below! Stellan Gios sacrifices himself by staying at the controls to redirect Starlight from crashing into a populated area.

Chapter 35 Avir and Elzar Mann mourn the loss of Stellan Gios. The Jedi on the planet help repair Local facilities. The Nihil host a celebration of the century in deepest space.

Epilogue - Marchion Ro broadcasts his victory speech to the entire system, boasting bragging rights and that this part of system is his.

My thoughts

Overall, this book is a slow burner. It’s not really until halfway through that thing really pick up when the first explosions happen. I enjoyed the book although I kept getting a very strong sense of things being deliberately kept from us, especially concerning the … what shall we call them … the anti-force beings or animals that the Nihil brought to Starlight? At the end of Book 2 we saw one animal of sorts attack Loden, and I also had from memory that Bell was affected too, but this is not mentioned at all. It’s hard to understand the threat when it’s not overly clear enough. We know that these animals essentially turn off the jedi’s connection with the force, or mute it, but it’s inconceivable that this doesn’t get a proper investigation by the Jedi in my view. Yes, they’ve been stretched thin by going off to help planets attacked by Nihil, but there are droids and non-Jedi on Starlight? Later on though we get Jedi using force abilities and realising it’s a struggle, which is fine given what little we know, but the huge leaping about stuff with lightsabre doesn’t really seem like a struggle. All in all, I found the whole threat from the anti-force animals too vague and cryptic to comprehend. I like having this anti-force threat and it is delivering serious results but it’s far too vague to have the true impact.

That’s another thing, it’s totally unclear how many people are on Starlight. It’s hinted that lots died from destruction of Starlight but most of the time we only stay with the same few Jedi, those in docking bay, and droids in medical wing. It’s hard to fathom who else is there, and what they were doing as it appears only Stellan and Elzar mostly are running the show. In previous books it has been hard to keep up with all the Jedi but in this book when you’re on a station full of people, some text to demonstrate how busy it is could have really helped in this case. We know a lot were lost, but how many?

Nan, Nan, Nan … I find her so confusing. She loves the Nihil, hates them, wants to be with them, doesn’t want to be with them, helps being reliant on others, wants to be part of a group … she is defiantly complex but so random in what she’s thinking.

On the plus side, this is an epic story with epic consequences. Perhaps not made as dramatic as it could and should have been but nevertheless it was highly significant in the loss of Starlight. I totally buy how Nihil having the blueprints through their Senate spy could achieve this complex task of sabotage and the extra burden Marchion Ro places on the Jedi to distract them literally and through the force. I don’t totally comprehend it did get as much investigation as it did, but maybe there was more that’ll come out in the comics and secondary novels.

We get further development of Elzar with his love/hate relationship with the force and his ability to quickly tap into the dark side without a blink of the eye. He’s certainly going somewhere. Of course, his confession to Stellen is now moot given Stellan’s fate and he says he’ll tell others, but I wonder if he ever will now?

The crew of the Vessell, and Bell/Burry, were the plus points of the book for me. Geode stole the show so many times with his persona and actions. Leox is a happy go lucky positive amusing character no matter what the situation. Bell and Burry are the most Anikan/Obi-Wan Jedi pairing and work so well together in an enjoyable way.

We lost a few Jedi along the way. Stellen, a pillar of the Jedi who was very morale and abiding to the jedi Council, sacrifices himself. In a way, we never really got to know him. He was so stiff and giving out advice and orders, it doesn’t really feel like a huge loss to me. Reginald was a great funny character, like a jedi Leox, and I just knew he was doomed to die when they concentrated so much on him in beginning, however, too soon to mourn him. Indeera I didn’t feel I knew either. However, the one that affected me the most was Orla. I just loved her. She was intelligent, comprehensive and knew lots about the ways of the force. I was somewhat surprised she couldn’t fight the anti-force animals any better than anyone else. I will miss her. I don’t count Burry as dead as I reckon he did survive. I would miss him though. What’s not to like about a Jedi Wookie?????

Pros: The Crew of the Vessel, especially Geode and Leox are worth the entrance fee alone, the progression of a complex Elzar, the continuation of a deeply serious anti-force threat to the Jedi, a significant turn of events in the Nihil’s favour with the destruction of Starlight … and a big shoutout to an amazingly amusing and sarcastic “45” voice by Marc Thompson.

Cons: Strangely, the anti-force threat, despite being severe and devastating, it’s unclear what is happening, and that’s not a good thing for the story in my opinion. It’s a slow-burning first-half of the book, and somehow, the absolutely drama of the crashing of Starlight is not delivered in quite the way it could have been, especially as the only tangible danger to life comes across as limited to those in a medical bay and docking bay.

I don’t really like to rate Star Wars because I’ll watch/read it and enjoy it no matter what, but it’s always a little fun to try to pinpoint things in a review. As I never wrote a review for previous High Republic books I’ve read, I’ll quickly say that I’d give Light of the Jedi an 9/10 and The Rising Storm 7/10.


7/10 – An epic story of huge consequences in The High Republic series which shows the frailties of the Jedi at this time and the canniest abilities of the Nihil.

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