Saturday 2 February 2019

Star Wars Resistance: Episode 14 - "The Doza Dilemma"

Synopsis: In league with the pirates, the First Order hatch a plan to kidnap Torra and gain Captain Doza's favour ...

What I thought: Ohh, I didn't quite see that happening. Sure, I knew it was all clever manipulation by the First Order, to finally get Captain Doza over the line and accept their protection, but they went one step more devious. Having the pirates kidnap Torra, and then make it look like the First Order were rescuing her rather than being part of the whole manipulation, was almost genius ... if it works. They did indeed deliver her back to her father but, although he obviously appreciate their help, he doesn't look much more convinced to accept their protection. Rather extra sneakily, the offer of two stormtrooper's for his personal protection was made as a rather generous gift that was somewhat forced and made without Doza saying anything! Looks like we've got some interesting times ahead.

Naturally there are a few people who know slightly more about the facts, not least the pirates and Synara, but also Torra who will know the First Order were there to pay the pirates although that isn't evidence enough that they devised the whole plan I guess. Kaz is now totally suspicious of Synara who seems to be really nervous when her comms belt goes off, as if that makes her look like a spy. Surely plenty of people have comms belts? And, what hold do the pirates have over her? She's almost free on the station but still feels compelled to help them? Do they have some leverage on her or is  breaking free just a step too much for her?

Kaz continues his rather comedic personality this week as he sneaks behind the pirates in a full-on classic cartoon manner, making him and BB8 look like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo. I'm left wondering also if those security droids are much use when 4 being deactivated doesn't really cause much concern, other than the head droid reporting it to Doza. "Oh yes, 4 droids are down and Torra isn't in her room.Would you like me to panic now, sound the alarm, or make you a cup of tea Captain Doza?" What good are they?

Kaz would make a great stormtrooper with his shooting skills ...

Betrayal by the First Order.

Here, have some stormtroopers on us.

Rating: 6/10: Another twist of the screw by the First Order as they now get eyes on the ground on the station.

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