Tuesday 19 February 2019

Star Wars Resistance: Episode 17 - "The Core Problem"

Synopsis: Poe turns up, and he and Kaz go off to explore an area where the First Order have been lurking.

What I thought: Whilst we don't really learn much new that we didn't already know before, this episode in itself shows us that we're not going to have to wait too long to catch up with the events of TFA. Well, we're assuming that's the case because Poe says he has to take BB-8 on a mission to Jakku, and we all know how TFA opens. It would be a real twist in the story if this isn't the mission we see the end of in the movie. Could he have been there before? Given the devastation of the nearby star system (missing a star) and planet cored out, you'd think we're being expedited up to TFA but it could yet be a wait. We will have to see.

We don't know how Poe arrived, or how Kaz got back to the station with CP-23, his new droid, but we do know how they both exited the station, in a rather ridiculous manoeuvre: how did the TIE fighters not spot that distinctly coloured Fireball on top of the cargo ship? How did Poe hang on to Kaz's ship so much? Oh well, we just have to accept these things.

I was hoping for a little more in the destroyed Star System investigation but all we mostly got was reinforcements of things we already know, such a evidence for Starkiller base and a totally destroyed town with a sort of temple. Ring any TFA bells? I'm not sure why the rest of the intelligence was dismissed: what about all those First Order ships?

The First Order Probe droid seemed destined to stay hidden until it decided to go all macho on us and attack. Quite who'd trust Kaz with a blaster I don't know, but he single handed stopped the droid, although almost taking out BB-8.

Still, at least we're ticking off the list, and hopefully future First Order detail will continue to add to that which we didn't already know. You'd also think that the Red TIE pilot must recognise the Fireball and that can't be good for Kaz.

Looks familiar ...

Trouble lurks.

They arrived quickly!

Rating: 7/10 - The pace accelerates up to TFA, as we get a stark awakening of the threat from the First Order.

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